Simplifying Ecommerce Marketing

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The world of digital marketing is dynamic and challenging, but that doesn’t mean it’s always as complicated as many make it out to be.

In a recent episode of our podcast, Test. Learn. Grow., we sat down with our Ecommerce Team Lead and seasoned media director Tim Fitzgerald to chat about all things Ecommerce.

You can listen to the full interview here:

Q: How do we need to approach Ecommerce clients differently from other clients?

A: Non-Ecommerce clients are often advertising to gain more leads by collecting specific contact information that they can then use for future targeting. With this objective in mind, those advertisements drive traffic to one specific landing page to get the person who clicked through to do one specific action. This could be anything from scheduling an appointment with our clients’ in house sales team, registering for an online event hosted by the client, or even getting a prospective student to click the “Learn More” button in an ad that links to an informational page outlining how to apply or enroll in a specific college program. In the world of Ecommerce however, clients can have thousands and thousands of potential URL’s that direct a user to the specific product page they had searched and/or clicked an ad for. The difference in approach comes down to Landing Page optimization vs. Website Optimization.

Q: So, what is the difference between Landing Page Optimization and Website Optimization?

A: The primary difference between the two is the massive scale of website optimization used by Ecommerce businesses. Your non-Ecommerce clients’ websites will only have a handful of landing pages they drive to, depending on the expanse of their product/service inventory. Whereas it is not unheard of for an Ecommerce client to have thousands of product pages which will be managed as part of a Website Optimization effort.

Second, there is a significant difference in the immediacy of action on the page itself. As we have discussed in a previous podcast episode focused on B2B teams here at Level, in Ecommerce, the timeline between when a consumer sees an ad and makes the purchase is much shorter than that of larger businesses or someone making a serious decision such as deciding where to enroll in college. The number of decision makers and shareholders that are making choices to use our B2B client’s services is many more than a singular person purchasing a pair of shoes, for instance.

Q: What are the three most important data metrics to monitor for an Ecommerce client?

A: There are several data points to monitor and levers to pull when optimizing Ecommerce campaigns. The top three we focus on are:

  1. Cost per Click (CPC) – How much are we paying for someone to click our ad?
  2. Conversion Rate (CVR) – Once someone does click an ad, how many of them actually follow through with a purchase?
  3. Average Order Value (AOV) – Once customers do follow through with making a purchase, on average, how much is the order worth across all orders placed within a specific time period, audience segment, or any other demographic that would be useful for your company to know?

Q: What role does privacy play in Ecommerce marketing?

A: With online privacy becoming increasingly prolific in our world of digital marketing, our ability to track and collect data has been affected and will continue to be affected. The biggest issue we are running into is the trackability of data in various applications. For instance, if you are trying to get someone to click on an ad in Facebook that then drives to a mobile application, once the traffic is directed to the mobile device, the user’s device then puts up walls to protect and increase privacy based on the users’ preferences.

Learn more about Level Agency’s approach to Ecommerce.

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