Level Agency is built on the expertise of our staff in key marketing disciplines: data, technology, media, and creative. We foster and nurture this expertise so that we can continually pursue our organizational vision:
This means not only keeping up with trends but staying ahead. Not only using the latest platforms but squeezing every drop of performance out of them. As a result, it is incumbent on us to test practices that other marketers feel to be standard practice.
As media consumption patterns change, as new platforms emerge, we must position ourselves to make the most of these changes, finding unique ways to deliver impactful, meaningful marketing. We will provide services and advice based on the absolute latest best practices. That is what it means to be the authority.
Taking the necessary steps to develop and drive this expertise is what we mean by “innovation.” It has been at the core of what we do for a decade.
When we created the Level Innovation Team, we increased our commitment by dedicating four of our best experts to the pursuit of new best practices for the entire agency. Their day-to-day work follows a cycle of building, testing and learning, passing their insights on to their colleagues, and articulating on these learnings in future projects. Through their work in four key disciplines: Technology, Analytics, Media, and People, they will lift the entire agency to a higher standard.
TECHNOLOGY – We are eager adopters of technology. When promising new platforms and features become available, we’ll understand the necessary integrations, tracking, and requirements.
ANALYTICS – We base our decisions on data. Advanced analytics tools and expertise, from regression analysis to artificial intelligence, help us reach these decisions faster and with greater nuance.
MEDIA – We know how to reach the right audiences, at the right cost. As the media landscape continues to evolve, we’ll be ready to better segment, target, and deliver ad creative.
PEOPLE – We understand the value of talent. A culture of expertise demands that we find the right people and develop our processes to make sure that we’re working together toward common goals.
The Level Innovation Team begins their work of building, testing, and learning this fall. Our Mission is to be our clients’ trusted, vertically integrated digital and direct marketing partner responsible for ROI. Their focused efforts, feeding into the larger agency, allow us to be the agency partner we want to be, ultimately driving more ROI for our clients.
Just five years ago, who could have imagined the tectonic shifts in ad technology we’ve experienced since? Growth in automation, artificial intelligence, personalization (and accompanying privacy concerns) have pushed us into new territory. We’ve remained ahead of the curve throughout, and today we’re laying a foundation for further innovation. I can’t wait to see how we adapt to, and ultimately shape, the changes that lie ahead.