Safari Anti-Tracking Feature Poses Challenges for Digital Marketing


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  • Data Science & Analytics
  • Performance Media Planning & Buying
  • Strategy & Consulting

What You Should Know:
Apple’s latest version of its Safari browser includes an anti-tracking feature, Intelligent Tracking Prevention (ITP 2) that completely prevents cookies from working in the open web. Ad Age gives a useful summary of the feature and the difficulties that it poses for marketers’ tracking of ROI for digital ads.

ITP 2 also prevents retargeting, making it impossible for marketers to target display ads and search at website visitors.

Level Insight:
Level has partnered closely with Google to retire the manual pixel placement process and enable parallel tracking across all our client properties. This updated conversion tracking system places the ownership of the pixel on first parties (i.e. Google) instead of third parties (i.e. client). Apple’s new system recognizes this as a valid source and allows advertisers to continue tracking user behavior across client websites and Google-partnered properties around the web.

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