Branded Search Campaigns

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Tim Fitzgerald is back again with a media minute to talk about one of his favorite subjects: tradename (or branded) paid search campaigns.  

What is tradename search?  

We’re talking about Google (or Bing) paid search engine marketing (SEM). It means bidding on your own brand name or the names of your products. We pay for “Level Agency” variations, for example. For some it seems counterintuitive, but this is a fundamental digital marketing tactic. Take a minute to learn why.  

This week on Test. Learn. Grow’s. Media Minute, you will learn:  

  • Why you should run tradename or branded search 
  • How to run this campaign as cost-effectively as possible 
  • How to capture important nuances when reporting the results 


Why should you run a tradename search campaign?

First, it is anti-competitive. If your competitors want to spend money on your brand to take your customers, bidding on your own brand name helps to protect this space. Otherwise, your competitors could buy the ad and appear before you in the search results. 

Second, you can create customized experiences for your audience with tradename search campaigns. You know your audience better than anyone. If people are searching for your name, what do you want them to do once they find it? Sign up for a webinar? Download a piece of content?  

Third, if you are a new business, or launching a new product, you might not have the SEO dominance to appear on the first search results page. Buying your tradename is an easy way to get to the top of the search results and showcase what you are offering.  

Finally, you can make tradename search campaigns cheap and relevant. Tim recommends using manual bidding to control costs. Report on tradename campaigns separately from other campaigns and when reporting, look at paid and organic traffic from Google together.  

Tradename search campaigns should be a critical piece of your media mix. If you’d like to learn more about how Level Agency uses tradename search campaigns, please reach out.  

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